Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Atheist in the Hen House!

This past Sunday I attended the college chapel service, exclusively for the free dinner offered afterwards. Being a born and raised atheist I've only even gone to church a couple times in my life when various family members forced me. I entertained myself making fun of the extensive editing/revising/translating of the Bible detailed in the first several pages after the copyright information.

Today however there were no bibles and the service was dominated by music sung by our fantastic choir accompanied by the equally fantastic pianist. I found the reading of prayers by the congregation a bit uncomfortable, but they were brief interruptions of an otherwise enjoyable night. The readings from the bible had an interesting interpretation for non-believers.

Mark 4, 21-34: A Lamp on a Stand sounds remarkably like political theory: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, desire for transparency, and Jesus speaking rhetoric to the people and only speaking honestly behind closed doors. And Proverbs 3, 1-17 which seems self contradictory at once advocating learning and understanding and also ignoring your own understanding and obeying orders. I found myself comparing religion to fringe science where in both cases people found patterns and trends but lack the understanding of the mechanism behind it thus are forced to say "It works like that because it does! Just accept it!".

To close off the pianist played an amazingly complex piece that I think was Beethoven (I was quite disappointed they didn't say what that song was) which in itself is reason to go back next week in the hopes of an encore.