Friday, March 14, 2014

‘Fiction’s about what it is to be a fucking human being’ [ DAVID FOSTER WALLACE ] . Is it?

General Paper 1 Q 21

Fiction is not so limited as to only cover what it is to be a fucking human being. Fiction can be about many things or even nothing at all.

Fiction can be classified into different genres each of which is about something different. Science fiction is about philosophy and morality. Historical fiction is about dramatizing history. Fantasy is about fighting evil with whatever talents you possess. Crime fiction is just a puzzle wrapped in a story. Erotic fiction is a text version of pornography.

Some of the greatest works of fiction have had cardboard or cartoony characters, for instance Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series, because they were about abstract ideas not about people, in Asimov's case about different types of institutional power and different ways to organize society. In others the main characters aren't human: for instance Toad Rage which features an Australian cane toad trying to learn why humans hate them so much.

A novel series I was engaged by was the Animorphs, in which archetypal teenagers gain the ability to transform into animals to fight alien mind-controlling slugs. Most of the human characters are highly sterotyped with little depth, much more time is spent describing the instincts and drives of the animals the teens transform into. As such the books were more about what it is to be an animal than what it is to be human.

Fiction can have other purposes as well. Some novels aim to teach empathy (eg. Anabelle teaches empathy for intersex people through the eyes of an intersex child in the 1960s), others warn of dangers (eg. 1984 warns of the dangers of authoritarianism and state-surveillance). Many works of fiction aim to persuade or convince the reader of a particular political/philosophical position (eg. Animal Farm, Germinal, or Atlas Shrugged). Still others ask nothing more of the reader than to be entertained (eg. Wee Free Men about a young shephardess who becomes the leader of a band of small blue kilt-wearing super Nac Mac Feegle). Some works of fiction are simply an exercise in writing within specific constraint (eg. Not A Wake which was written such that the numbers of letters of each word are the digits of pi).

Fiction can be about what it is to be a fucking human being, but it can also be about what it is to be a fucking animal, live in a different fucking time-period, experience a different fucking political organization, live with different fucking technology, survive a fucking apocolypse, or no-fucking-thing in particular.