Friday, September 26, 2014

All Souls Examination Fellowship Exam

So I've finished the All Souls Examination Fellowship Exam. There were 97 candidates so I reckon I have at least a 1:1000 chance of getting it, which for two days of not unpleasant work is not bad. Plus I have a cool story to tell people. I wrote the exam in the Hall so I also got to see that and walk through a couple of quads, its not nearly as imposing on the inside as it is from the outside.

Now onto the questions I chose to answer, I'm just posting the questions for now so you can make up your own minds about what your answer would be, then I'll post summaries of my answers later for comparison. Note this are paraphrased because I didn't keep the exam paper and didn't memorize them all perfectly.

Specialist Paper I: Philosophy
  1.  Is gender socially constructed? is sex?
  2. Can emotions be reasons for making a decision?
  3. Does it matter if someone misrepresents the views of a dead philosopher to support her own philosophy?
General Paper I:
  1. Is chemistry the future of nutrition?
  2. Discuss: "Responsible, organized merchants will always surpass those of wealth rulers" [someone]
  3. Is increasing life expectancy good?
Specialist Paper II: Economics
  1. Is our financial system safer after the crisis?
  2. Is there a case for a transaction tax?
  3. If experiment is the key to rigour, can macroeconomics ever be rigorously evidence-based?
General Paper II:
  1. What is the role for hard science in historical research?
  2. Should prisoners have the right to vote?
  3. If "excavation is destruction"[someone] can we justify excavation?